Sus peticiones de oración serán llevadas al Santuario Original y al Padre Kentenich (Tumba del Padre). Los invitamos a unirse a estas oraciones. *Your prayer petitions will be taken to the Original Shrine and to Father Kentenich (Founder Chapel). Please join in to pray for these intentions! *Anliegen werden ins Urheiligtum und zu Pater Kentenich(Gründerkapelle) gebracht. Beten auch Sie mit.


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Please pray very hard for Tyrone, 28 yrs old, brain tumor since July 2005, dr. said no more surgeries and gives him 6 mos to live. He is married to Olivia and they have a 2 yr old I know the grandmother of little one, Guadalupe and she is devastated - her exact words are "We need prayers for a miracle, please have all of the Schoenstat mothers pray for him and Olivia and little family. Because there is nothing impossible with God she says". Some of you aren't Sch. mothers but involved with Schoenstatt so she will appreciate all the prayers, thanks so much, God's blessing on all of you...Sally LeRoy, Arizona, USA

Bitte beten wir alle für Tyrone, 28 Jahre,er hat seit Juli 2005 einen Gehirntumor, die Ärzte geben ihm nach der letzten OP noch sechs Monate… Er ist verheiratet und hat eine zweijährige Tochter. Guadalupe, die Schwiegermutter, ist Schönstattmutter und bittet um ein Wunder…
Sally LeRoy, Arizona

Por favor recemos por Tyrone, de 28 años, se le encontró un tumor cerebral en Julio del 2005, el Dr dijo que no se podía hacerle más operaciones y que tiene 6 meses para vivir. Está casado con Olivia y tiene una niña de 2 años, Guadalupe, su suegra pide oraciones por un milagro "porque para Dios no hay nada imposible"
Sally LeRoy, Arizona, USA

1 Responses to “Tyrone”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    We will take your intention to Gilbert Schimmel's grave on February 15th. Please pray for his beatification. God Bless You! Milwaukee Schoenstatt

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  • Published by hmk
  • In Schoenstatt, Germany

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