Sus peticiones de oración serán llevadas al Santuario Original y al Padre Kentenich (Tumba del Padre). Los invitamos a unirse a estas oraciones. *Your prayer petitions will be taken to the Original Shrine and to Father Kentenich (Founder Chapel). Please join in to pray for these intentions! *Anliegen werden ins Urheiligtum und zu Pater Kentenich(Gründerkapelle) gebracht. Beten auch Sie mit.

Eleanor Yank

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Our dear Schoenstatt Family,

Please join us in praying for Eleanor Yank. Eleanor suffered a minor stroke this morning and is being kept overnight in the hospital for observation. She and her husband, Raymond Sr., are one of the "Pioneer Couples" who met weekly with Father Kentenich during his time in Milwaukee. They're members of the Schoenstatt Family Institute and have seven grown children, many of whom are involved in the movement. In all things, the Yank Family wishes for the heavenly Father's will to be done. But perhaps Eleanor will be granted a full and speedy recovery through our Father and Founder's intercession.

United in the heart of our Mother and Queen,

Mark & Margaret Fenelon

Family Federation, Milwaukee"

6 Responses to “Eleanor Yank”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I'll keep Eleanor in my prayers, and will offer a Rosary for her and her family

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Unidas en oración por Eleanor

  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Eleanor está en mi santuario Hogar

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Unidos en oración ante la mater y el padre por Eleanor

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Mis oraciones por Eleanor

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    We pray for those that have left requests at this site during petition time at the Milwaukee shrine on Wednesday nights.
    Mother takes perfect care!

Your prayer commitment / Compromiso de oración / Ihr Gebetseinsatz

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  • Published by hmk
  • In Schoenstatt, Germany

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